Proiectul Sedrin

Bine ati venit pe site-ul proiectului Sedrin. Un proiect care are scopul de a ajuta copiii romi să completeze educația  primara.Am decis să abordam această problemă prin instruirea femeilor rome de a acționa ca intermediators pentru  copiii romi și școală.


The causes and effects of school segregation are often similar in European partner
countries, thus necessitating a sustainable and common response to achieve effective
results. The DARE NET project seeks to address segregation of Roma children in
schools across different European countries in this regard, whilst developing an
International Roma Civil Society Network for the dissemination of best-practices and
successful educational initiatives (policy, non-governmental initiatives, court jurisprudence).
Mediation is now recognised as a very powerful, yet modest instrument
for restoring dialogue and mutual trust between estranged communities in the field
of education. The network will train 100 school mediators to raise awareness
amongst Roma families and school communities about the importance of desegregation
and to conduct preventive measures to eradicate it. With the identification and
documentation of best practices and successful educational initiatives, a guide for
monitoring the situation of segregation will help local and national organisations to
review segregation issues and contribute to their solution.


lifelong learning

Acest proiect este co-finanțat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Responsabilitatea privind conţinutul acestei publicaţii revine exclusiv autorilor. Conţinutul nu reflectă neapărat punctul de vedere al Uniunii Europene. Comisia Europeană nu este responsabilă pentru orice utilizare a informaţiilor conţinute în acest material.


Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries

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