The final conference took place in Valencia in October 2014, which was a joint conference of both the SEDRIN and TERNO projects. 120 participants attended included those at policy and decision making levels. Participants included various political authorities from the Valencian regional and local government, the Project Manager from the European Commission, Tamara Proca, General Director of Innovation and Quality of Education from the Department for Education, Juan Pablo Valero García, and the General Director of European projects and funds, Juan Viesca.
Thanks to the initiative of our partner IDEA ROM, the projects Sedrin and Terno have obtained the patronage of theItalian Minister for Integration Cècile Kashetu Kyenge . Below you can reed the full letter.
This report, produced by the Romanian partner of the SEDRIN project RWAR describes the situation of the Roma women in Romania. It is dealing with the issues of Early Marriages, Domestic Violence, Education, Work and Occupations, Health, Living Conditions, Values and Trends and Intervertionism". Click here to read it
O número 69 do European News do European Office of Cyprus foi uma publicação sobre o projeto Sedrin, tanto na edição Inglesa como na Grega. Vejam...
The issue number 75 of the European News from the European Office of Cyprus made it a publication about the Sedrin project, both in the English and Greek edition. Take a look...
Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela utilização que dela possa ser feita